Rescuers Send Camera Down Narrow Drainpipe, Find Shivering Baby Inside

By animal9059

When a group of puppies found themselves trapped underground in San Antonio, Texas, their desperate barks echoed through the sewer system, hoping someone would hear their cries. Their plight quickly attracted the attention of local rescuers, setting the stage for a dramatic and heartwarming rescue.

A Desperate Call for Help

Residents in San Antonio first noticed the distressed howls coming from beneath the streets. “The puppies could be heard howling and crying from the street,” said Lisa Norwood, public relations manager for San Antonio Animal Care Services. The commotion prompted immediate action from the San Antonio Fire Department and the San Antonio Water System.

The Rescue Mission Begins

Rescuers managed to pull two of the puppies to safety fairly quickly. However, one puppy, who would later be named Damsel, proved more difficult to save. “Damsel apparently got very scared and kept going further and further into the drain until she actually hit the main sewer line,” Norwood explained. This development was particularly concerning because the main sewer line is continuously filled with wastewater and raw sewage.

Technology to the Rescue

Using robotic cameras and imaging equipment, the rescue team pinpointed Damsel’s location deep within the piping system. They discovered her beneath a manhole cover. Carefully, they removed the cover and lowered a bucket into the darkness, using a robotic camera to nudge the frightened pup towards it.

A Trembling Return to Safety

Once back above ground, Damsel was handed over to an animal care officer who rushed her to an overnight emergency clinic. “She was quiet, trembling and tired from her ordeal,” Norwood said. “Plus, she didn’t smell too great!” Despite her rough condition, veterinarians quickly confirmed that the 6-week-old puppy was in good health.

A New Beginning

Today, Damsel is safe and thriving with a loving foster mom who ensures she has everything she needs to grow and flourish. “Damsel may have had a rough start,” Norwood noted, “but she very quickly got her happy ending.” Thanks to the swift actions of her rescuers and the compassionate care of her foster family, Damsel’s days of fear and uncertainty are now behind her.

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